I thought I was a man, I only was a muffin

It was this or mumble on streetcorners..

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Not molesting children!

Ah web-presence, hear the story of my day. Today, unlike most days, has been filled with much running around. The waking (8:00), then the groan and going back to sleep then 'waking 2: the wakening' (8:50) led briliantly to going to lectures in time for lecture start (oscar nomination for myself with the lecturer gaining well-earned best supporting actor nomination). I love living 5 mins from the lecture theatre, I've only missed 2 lectures due to being away.
Later after lunch of market orange and a handful of dried apricots. I rush like a bitch to the citi-4 bus. I need to get to long road, not knowing where this was did not hinder me - oh no, or not knowing the stop to get off at. Here follows an afternoon of not molesting children (well sixth form students) and ultra-mathsing. I impress myself with my ability to do step papers and help with classroom teaching, not that they cared!
Imagine if you will 4:20 - the citi-4 bus back! The bus of jolly worker types humming their jolly worker tunes as every fucker in Cambridge blocks the one way system and we can't move. This doubles the journey to 30-40 mins and a snubbing by mr kelby, I would prefer very-loud-compsci-girl company too. Don't read irony into this, I mean what I say plus I gained a shiny 5p from bus seat!
Sitting in my room for an hour I get my daily LOL. Internet has the amazing power to both sooth and enrage! Re: enrage.....DOOM!! why the living-fuck would you make a doom movie? It doesnt have hell in it...why call it doom? RAGE! stan lee levels of shirt ripping rage!
Then dojo noodle eating...oh the tasty! pad phak thai (37A) mighty! How could you round off such an evening? why watching people play 'Gitaroo man' and reading baron munchausen. That is ofcourse until i spotted a DVD. 'A crazy man with super kung-fu' this movie had to be seen. It can only be described as a carry on film mixed with scenes of kill bill. AN origianl cantonese film is dubbed over by a cast of presumably 3 actors one one being a woman with very indeterminate accent. The kung-fu starting very well but descending to the down right insane as 1 in 20 moves actually connects and they seem to have 2 sound effects. A loose plot gives way to insanity and in the end the secret is to think like bean curd, true wisdom we should live our lives by. If we're all lucky I might have a copy to show by the end of term.
What more is there? A news in brief:
G K Chesterton - amusing author
Michael Howard - Jewish (I didn't know)
Look around you (not bad but with the same britcom faces)
Kate Bush - Fantastic
Fi Glover - Good thing

Till next post, take care!

1 Muffins:

At 1:13 am, Blogger manuel said...

Hehe I like running around sometimes. It's the Navaho dancing the morning, gets that blood pumping.
It wouldnt suprise me if the Howards had become conservative Christian though, if they wanted people to actually remember them they should all shave their heads and become zen buddhist.


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