The revolution...
I was going to title it "The revolution will not be rss feeded" but went in search of what else the revolution wouldnt be. Stumbled across this. I'd read it before but something about hardcore Asexuals, and republican hatred for them, warms the cockles. It's an interesting issue though, through developments in psychiatry and most of tv we'ld think a lack of interest or a repulsion to sex would stem from abuse or was a chemical thing. Its entirely possible the whole rediculous hurly burly could just not appeal, we've always been very odd monkeys especially where sex is involved.
Onto the actual title. I've been reading about RSS feeds and hence XML too, something just doesnt sit right with me. The odd feeling explained itself a few days ago though, it's racist and in the most casual way possible. The reason the internet exploded was partly due to HTTP being a Human-parseable language in plain text. Any kid with a text editor could tap away a few tags, fill the body and have his page. Ok, the tags were English but there wernt many. It's a similar idea to a tourist, have a few phrases under you're belt and you can get along. XML has user specified tags and the reason for XML is structuring your site/feed as you'ld like it parsed. Though it supports unicode tagging(international charcter sets) it breeds seperation between nations and more people learning English to get by in buisness.
It's similar to legislation considered in America last year, all buisness documentation internal and external must be in English. America, as with England has large non-english trade buisnesses. A few members will speak english and be able to explain documents, but why should everyone? 10 years of multiculti rubbish it maybe but why should every member of a family be forced to learn a second/third language if they dont want/have to.
What brought this on? The not-in-front-of-the-children brigade shocked their children may see a gun or a breast. Well that was the first skim read until I hit this:
"With the few dollars that they have to spend, they would choose to spend it on that garbage, rather than spending it on something uplifting and, by the way, in English," Tancredo said. "They choose to use materials of such little redeeming social value, like a trashy comic book."
This is a race issue, the group involved were an anti-immigration pressure group. Where the minute-men failed to hold public support and broke up in 2-3 days, they'll make uncomfortabel instead. First the spanish language section, then no chillies for a thousand miles, damn wogs.
A rant? Not really, mild uneasy feelings. There may only be one rant left in me with actual feeling but people have shut-up about tv.
Turns out Ursula Andress emerging from the sea is the sexiest moment in history, what rubbish. Didn't catch the first half but Bacall and Bogie in To have and have not had better have been there, for all its stupidity. Plus, watching Kristen cloke makes me need a cold shower. I'm glad they didnt make me pick, it'ld just be all of B5, S:AAB and Janeane Garofalo footage from my surveilance tapes.
Still walking free!
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