Giant Robots!
Just got back from giant robot RPG, good laugh really. Games would be alot faster if people stopped trying to remember what anime/game the background music came from and general offtopic. Its a good bunch from CUCAS and I enjoy games evening; tonight after defeating lucifer, bear-mech and 2 other super characters last session we scavagened from their broken mechs and tried to infiltrate the base. The 'amnesiac angel princess', 'fairy knight vampire' and the 'pirate viking were-kitten' took crew uniforms and poked around the base; there was not much to be found but Zeng (evil overlord) had been testing alien tissue samples with mech parts! (cue dramatic music). At the same time the 'ghost pirate thief samurai' and the 'viking drunkard maniac' were looting the otherside of the base and smashing up important consoles and disguising themselves as a carpet monster.
There were not many clues to follow as to the whereabouts of zeng, so leaving his northpole base we travelled to Luxemburg only to find Tokyo tower had blasted off into space. How could this not lead to more mech confrontation at the sight of the tower? DE (the pogo-ing viking drunkard) leaped straight into the fray demolishing central Tokyo - much sadness and regret filled our angsty bodies. Continued fighting led to DE being ripped and his torso thrown into tokyo bay by a gold machine mounted elephant of justice. Talking gelephant (self styled captain of justice) down, explaining we were no threat and that Zeng had tricked him about his justice I thought it might be time for rest and investigation. No sooner had I thought that then cartheron had challenged him to a duel for the honour of his beloved mech-parrot cancarys. After acting out the duel we were called upon to mime the elephants legs trampling cartheron; never fear dear readers his ghostly status left him unharmed but his ancient samurai armour will probably be lost for all time. Sometimes for honour to be satisfied we must lose that which we hold precious to us, this is known to the Tao but it is not the true Tao.
If anyones that interested here is the place to go.
The rest of my life goes on as normal, if anyone really wants to hear about lyapunov stability or quasiasymptotic stability they can poke me on MSN. Until then dear muffinites keep watching the skies!
1 Muffins:
Hmm well I saw 'Sideways' on friday night, might post about it later. Apart from that I've just been shuffling around and at times RUNNING, the horror.
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