There may follow a glitch in service, life
Hey up Gov, How're things? Really? Well, worse things happen at sea. Manning-Mooching plc is setting up shop and outsourcing itself to Ind-yah. My arms are full of expensive juice which have magic anti-death powers (+1 vs Dog). Even though people have kept asking when I'm off I still havent realised Im going. The case remains unweighed (I still have to find 23 packs of sugar to balance the pole) so massive surcharges for books are on the way.
When I regain access to the internets I'll post again. This is dependent on laptops not dying and me having taken everything I need, oh and them letting me into the country. I dont have a look that lends to easy international travel.
If sections of the plane snap off and Im stranded on an Island remember only this,
"he'ld come round unannounced and steal your biscuits, but atleast he kept his trousers on". I wont miss any of you but I'll mainly miss the tea.
All the best St D Manning pHd (deceased)
"If you're going to make any romantic gestures always use a barrier"
3 Muffins:
I see you still have the Internet AIDS and shouldn't it be The Venerable Mrs Daniel Manning PhD KCB SOB?
Hey up, I kill spam and make it. Automating email response rox0rs jour sox0rz and things like that. We were slashdotted by the NYTimes, not for long but we;re still wading through emails.
ps The spam comments added a much needed note of heterosexuality. I'm looking at all of you... not owl, we need much less owl-sexuality please.
ps Luke, shut up and die.
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